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to support of our efforts on behalf of the community.
Suggested donations: $15 for an individual and $25 for a family.
Mail a check to:
PO Box 9412
Santa Fe, NM 87504-9412
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June 2024
Greetings, friends and neighbors:
Your neighbors from the Canyon Neighborhood Association hope that you are enjoying early summer in the Canyon. As in the past, we are working to preserve and enhance our wonderful neighborhood. To help us continue this work, we invite you to join or renew membership in the Canyon Neighborhood Association for 2024 at whatever level your budget allows.You can donate onlineor send a check to: PO Box 9412, Santa Fe, NM 87504-9412. A donation card will be attached to the paper version of this letter. For questions about donations, contact Mark at
It's been a frustrating year in terms of our efforts to advocate for the future of the Two Mile Pond complex. We will send out more detailed information on this issue, likely when the City releases an interim report on their hydrological and ecological monitoring. In short, we have been unable to get the City to restore any “Living River” water flow through the pond this summer, or even to ask the Office of the State Engineer for permission to do so. They are monitoring conditions at the pond, including the presence of mosquitos, and are investigating potential options for pond restoration and wetlands protection. We have hired legal and environmental experts, and continue to work with the City.
On a more positive note, progress is being made on the deteriorating bridge connecting Cerro Gordo to Upper Canyon and the undersized culvert that runs under Cerro Gordo nearby. The City is applying to FEMA for funds to design and build a new bridge and an expanded culvert. We will be participating in the process, hoping to minimize impacts to the riparian zone and maximize emergency vehicle access, especially during wildfire season.
Regarding wildfire preparedness, we continue to share relevant information about wildfire mitigation strategies, prescribed burns and the like. In April we hosted a wildfire preparedness highlighting the funds now available through the Forest Stewards Guild to help local landowners mitigate fire risk. We continue to work with the City’s emergency management team, pushing them to roll out workable emergency evacuation plans.
More good news: With a little bit of attention from several CNA board members, the Upper Canyon Preserve area between Cerro Gordo and Two Mile Pond is no longer a mud flat, but an orchard with grasses, flowers, and a lovely trail. Our annual neighborhood trash collection day yielded a record turnout of volunteers. In the Water History Park, a display is being developed that will tell the story of how water use once pitted Hispanic farmers against urban growth.
Lastly, please save the date of Sunday September 22nd from Noon till around 3 PM at the Water History Park for our annual neighborhood BBQ and potluck picnic. If you are interested in joining the board of the CNA, please contact Jim at
Jim Gollin for the Board of the Canyon Neighborhood Association
PO Box 9412, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-9412