
Join us for the annual neighborhood gathering and picnic on Sunday, September 22nd at the Water History Park. The Canyon Neighborhood Award will be given to Melissa McDonaldParks and Open Space Division Director for her contributions tothe Water History Park, the Dale Ball Parking lot, and the UpperCanyon Preserve.

The Canyon Neighborhood Association was founded at least four decades ago for the purpose of gathering a community of neighbors who cherish our eastside neighborhood and strive to preserve its historic attributes. We are committed to maintaining  the architectural integrity and natural resources of the canyon environs. We strive to enhance the safety and the cohesion of our neighborhood. This website is intended to help inform and unite our neighborhood.

Our board members have met faithfully since our inception. During that time we have tackled such challenges such as restoring the abandoned hydroelectric plant property at the bottom of Upper Canyon Road and shepherding the transfer of an additional 355 acres into conservation in the Upper Canyon, thus protecting it from encroaching residential development. We take what we do seriously, but with a humble, inclusive approach.

We welcome your participation in the Canyon Neighborhood Association’s efforts.


Fire Awareness anD Mitigation Project

 Wildfire Community Preparedness