Photo by CNA Member Mark Herndon

Photo by CNA Member Mark Herndon

The Canyon Neighborhood Association is open to participation from all residents of the Santa Fe Canyon area. This encompasses the geographical environs east of Cristo Rey Church including Cerro Gordo to the north.

A Board elected from the area’s residents takes on issues as required in an effort to keep lines of communication open for all, and attempts to present the desires of the membership to our City’s elected officials when a lone voice may be otherwise overlooked. Those living outside the Canyon are welcome as well, if they want to address concerns they might have with respect to the neighborhood.

Board meetings generally are held the second Monday of each month at 5:30 pm in the Randall Davey Audubon Visitor Center at the very end of Upper Canyon Road. During COVID meetings were held virtually and we still sometimes meet via Zoom. Everyone is welcome in person or on Zoom!

Let us know if you are interested in joining the CNA board or one of our committees.

CNA Board 2023-23

The Canyon Neighborhood Association is governed by a Board, consisting of up to 13 Directors elected to staggered two-year terms, and up to 6 Alternate Directors elected to one-year terms.

President: Jim Gollin

Vice President: Scott Andrews

2nd Vice President: Cynthia Garrett

Treasurer: Mark Herdon

Secretary: Richard Ellenberg

Communications: Cynthia Garrett and Christina Castro


Water Committee: Jim Gollin, Richard Ellenberg, Bob Findling, B.C Rimbeaux

Upper Canyon Preserve: Richard Ellenberg, Bob Findling, Jim Gollin,

Fire Committee: Cynthia Garrett, Chris Castro, Carol Licini, Bob Findling, Carl Beal, Melissa Savage

Land Use Committee: Scott Andrews, Rad Acton, Chris Ford, Mark Herndon

Website/Communications: Cynthia Garrett, Bonnie Povolny, Chris Castro, Elizabeth Hightower Allen

Trails and Trespassing: Jim Gollin, Joanna Hurley, Mark Herndon, Michael Last, BC Rimbeaux, Mark Fisher

Roads: Jim, Richard, will keep in touch with the City/State Re: Cerro Gordo funding

The following directors are serving the second year of a two year term:

Richard Ellenberg Upper Canyon

Jim Gollin Cerro Gordo

Carl Beal Randall Davey Audubon, Upper Canyon

Carol Licini Paseo de Florencio

Cynthia Garrett Paseo de Florencio

The following Directors are serving the first year of a two year term:

Rad Acton Upper Canyon

Robert Findling The Nature Conservancy, Paseo de Peralta

Scott Andrews Upper Canyon

Elizabeth Hightower Allen Upper Canyon

Mark Herndon Upper Canyon

BC Rimbeaux 9 Camino Pequeno

Christine Castro Upper Canyon

These Alternate Directors terms are serving a one year term:

Michael Last Upper Canyon

Mark Fisher Upper Canyon

Bonnie Povolny Cerro Gordo

Joanna Hurley Upper Canyon

Soledad Roybal Upper Canyon

Officers Need to be Elected in October. Current slate:

President: Jim Gollin

Vice President: Scott Andrews

2nd Vice President: Cynthia Garrett

Treasurer: Mark Herdon

Secretary: Richard Ellenberg