Wildfire Network crew working in the CNA neighborhood
At this time of year, especially after a good winter, it’s easy to forget that living in the Santa Fe Canyon means living with the potential of wildfire. The wildfires in California, Washington, Canada, Australia and other places, are a reminder that we need to understand our relationship to wildfire, learn from the experiences of others, and do what we can be prepared for a wildfire.
A key preparedness message is to get your family and your pets out early! Evacuate as soon as you are aware of fire danger in the Canyon. Do not think about staying in your house to protect it. If you do stay, the reality is that smoke and heat will probably take your life. The objective of fire mitigation is to make you feel comfortable that you have done everything you can to protect your house so that it might be there after you return from an evacuation. It’s also a good idea to identify a place in town you can stay during a multiday evacuation.